Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mexico Trip: Sign up now to go on the 13th

As you may have heard, Saddleback has opened back up to Mexico missions.

Please sign up ASAP, so that we can complete our trip list.
  1. Download and complete these three forms:
  2. Make a check payable to Saddleback Church for $ 65.00
  3. Mail the check and the forms to be received by Hugh Robinson by Friday, December 5th (right now).

Hugh Robinson
7 Ammolite
RSM,CA 92604


Friday, November 14, 2008

December 13th trip

We are committed to go on Saturday, December 13th.

The trip will be sponsored by Medical Support International (MSI). As of this date, Saddleback Church still has a hold on trips to Mexico.

I have heard that there are concerns for safety on our trips. I think I can address this issue from 10 years of travel to Tijuana, Ensenada, and Independencia. I think that our trips are very secure due to the following reasons:

1) We travel with a large goup with a Mexican national driving a Mexican bus company (Bajarama).

2) We travel through Tijuana at a very early hour (usually before 6:00 am) and spend only the time it takes to travel through Tijuana and do not linger or wander through areas shopping, eating and drinking.

3) Our bus driver is usually Pancho who has driven the route with us many times.

4) We do not linger in any large city, only the time that is required to get to our destination or back home. We travel only on major roads or highways.

Please reassure any potential volunteers that our trips are safe and secure.

RSVP and check payable to Saddleback Church for $ 65.00 to:

Hugh Robinson
7 Ammolite
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92604
(949) 635-9001 home
(949) 275-4804 cell

If anyone has an issue with money for the trip, please have them contact Hugh or Thom (559) 326-7177.

I hope this message finds you well. Please pray for Hugh Robinson, his boys Michael and Joshua, and especially for Hugh's business to turn around.

God Bless,


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On hold until December

As you all heard, Saddleback Church has placed a hold on Mission trips to Mexico pending a review in mid-November due to a run of violence, and killings in Tijuana. The planned trip on October 18th had to be canceled.
Hugh Robinson and I went down to Independencia that day to assess things after pastor Avelino had told us about a breakin at the clinic. We found the following items missing from the back storage/optometry area:
1 - 30 gallon compressor. 1 5.5 hp engine on the gas compressor. 5 kilowatt generator.
from the storage building:
3 camp stoves
hand tools
some power tools
plumbing supplies
Needless to say, we were very upset that someone had stolen these items. Pastor Avelino talked with the town council to try to ask for the return of the items, but that is very very unlikely.
Hugh and I plan to go down again on Saturday, November 15th to clean up the clinic (Dusty due to non use) and get things ready for a clinic trip in December. We could use some help on that day if you or friends would like to go down for a day.
We have planned a clinic trip for Saturday, December 13th. We will also distribute the Christmas boxes then. Whether we go as a Saddleback Church sponsored group or as a MSI group will be determined this month.
Please contact Hugh with your reservations for the trips.
Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nex trip: October 18th

Trip Date: Saturday, October 18th

Meet: 4:00 AM Saddleback Church

Cost: $ 60.00
($ 35.00 if Spanish Fluent)

RSVP to: Hugh Robinson by Sept. 22nd at HUGH (at) MRSANCLEMENTE.COM


c/o Hugh Robinson
7 Ammolite
Rancho Sta. Margarita,CA 93604

Payment is due by October 4th.

1) Do not mail or drop check off at Saddleback Church

2) Indicate in email whether you are part of medical/dental/children team or other (list skills)

3) Put plea out for Spanish fluent speakers

4) If people want, they can sponsor someone else, just let us know when they send in their check.

Thank you for your faithful service.

--Thom Nitta

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sept 6th trip postponed

I apologize personally for prematurely announcing the next trip on September 6th. Due to the absence of key volunteers, we will again be forced to postpone. I know that this is discouraging, but don't give up. We will return to Independencia soon. I'll make an announcement when things are more in place. --Vu Le, DDS

Friday, July 4, 2008

Next Trip: Sept 6th, 2008

Hi Everyone:

Happy 4th of July to all!

Our next trip is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 6,2008.

Hope you all can make it.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Deborah's Memorial Service

Deborah Robinson went home to be with the Lord two weeks ago in a tragic motorcycle accident. In order to allow our beloved brother, Hugh, and his family room to grieve, we have decided to postpone the June 21st Independencia trip indefinitely. I received the following from Janelle Grose, Campus Ministry Director:


Thank you for your prayers, care and love for Hugh Robinson and his family.

The Robinson family would like to invite you to a Memorial Service to celebrate the life of their wife and mother, Deborah, on

Saturday, June 7th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Plaza Room at Saddleback Church.

For those who would like to make any contributions in the memory of Deborah Robinson, in lieu of flowers, tax deductible gifts can be given to Saddleback Church with the memo reading "Sister Freda's Cottage Hospital - Deborah Robinson". These gifts can be given at the Memorial Service,
in the offering baskets during a church service, at the church office or by mail.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support for the family during this time and for the days ahead, and look forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 7th.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Trip Dates for 2008: Mark your Calendars

Here are the trip dates for 2008:

June 21st

Sept 6th

December 13th

Please note that the March trip has been canceled, due to some organizational changes which we need more time to digest. As Latrice is no longer with us, we will be signing up in a different way for all future trips. Stay tuned for more information as it is made available to us. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you all in June. --Vu Le, DDS

PS this is a great opportunity to get your passport taken care of. Having a passport opens not only the door to Independencia, but to all other PEACE trip opportunities around the world.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dental Clinic Success on Jan 19th

Congratulations to the dental clinic team for their awesome team performance on this January trip. Despite freezing cold temperatures, we saw forty patients, producing over $10,000 in free dentistry. Thanks to Lyn, Ellen, Angie, Linda, and Drs. Fowler and Eli for their help. There are so many other people I need to thank for their help, not the least of which is the tireless Rich Kofron--the real man in charge. Photographs of the trip are on display at For a bit less clicking, watch the slideshow. Even more pictures are posted at MSI, our non-profit partner in this ministry.

Friday, February 1, 2008


On our last trip January 19th, we were approached by the family of Hilario Canedo to help fund the cost of an arthroscopic gall bladder surgery that he needs. As many of you know, Hilario is a 35 year old man who was struck with Juvenile Arthritis at age 15. He has spent virtually all of the last 20 years in a bed due to his arthritis. Due to his poor condition, the family refused a conventional gall bladder surgery, but instead chose a much less invasive arthroscopic procedure.

We were able to help fund the operation with donated cash. We now are in a position to accept contributions to help fund projects in Independencia, including the Clinic Property. The clinic needs to have it's roof sealed, the storage shed needs a complete makeover, and we would like to build permanent tables and seating for crafts, cooking and triage. Your contributions will help us to be more effective on our clinic trips, also we would hope to expand our presence in the community, schools, and at the Santa Catarina Reservation.

Saddleback Church is our sponsor on our clinic trips, however the Clinic Property is wholly owned by Medical Support International (MSI) and is the more appropriate organization for making contributions to our efforts. Many of you had a chance to meet Rodger Barnett (President) and Clint Mayers (Vice President) of MSI on our last trip. In addition, Thom Nitta is a member at large of MSI's board of directors.

We ask that your send your tax deductible contributions to:

Medical Support International
c/o Thom Nitta
2450 Herndon, Apt. 104
Clovis, CA 93611

Thom will ensure that you receive a proper receipt and that the monies are credited to be used only in Independencia. If you have any questions, please contact Thom Nitta at (559) 326-7177.

We thank you for your past support and prayers for the clinic.


Thom Nitta

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Latrice's Resignation

It's difficult for me to write this. I've been coordinating the Independencia trips for about 3 years. When I took on the job, I did it knowing that I did not really have the gifts the job required. For the most part, I'm not known for my organizational skills, and I tend to procrastinate at times, always leading to getting myself into hot water. Having recently gone from part time work to full time, it's been difficult to find the necessary time in the last two weeks prior to each trip to get everything done. I've been very blessed to have gotten so much loving support from the Independencia leadership team, especially from Hugh Robinson and Thom Nitta. Without their caring support, I would not have made it for even one year, much less three years. They are two remarkable Christian brothers and I love them both dearly. My decision to resign did not come easily, nor was it a decision made without much soul searching and prayer. If it weren't for the last issue that I'm going to share with you, I probably would have continued to be heavily involved in this ministry. Alan and I believe in what is being done on these trips for these Mexican brothers and sisters. The ministry has so much potential with more of the right people involved. I've been praying for the Lord to send someone to fill my position that has a passion for ministry and reaching others for Christ. I pray that he or she will have a burning drive to grow the ministry to its full potential. I will continue to pray for all aspects and all of you who will continue after I have gone.
As some of you know, I have a medical condition that causes me to have chronic pain in my back, left hip and leg. I take heavy duty medication on a daily basis to enable me to continue to do those things that I must do, such as work. The Mexico trips are very hard for me. The combination of being on my feet the entire day and the long and rough bus ride, it takes 2-3 days for my pain to return to baseline. There have been times when I have been unable to work the following Monday because of extreme pain. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older, and has reached the point where I cannot continue to make the trips.
Alan and I love all of you very much. Working with all the different people we have met through the years has been a great experience. I hope all of you will continue to go down to Independencia. There is a job that God has for everyone of you to do in that village. Alan and I will continue to pray for the ministry and to support it in other ways. We will definitely miss the trips and the many friends we've made along the way.
At some point in time, there will be a posting to let you know who to contact regarding future trip registration, with the next planned trip occuring in March.
I asked all of you to accept my explanation for leaving as I have laid it out. I know from past experiences, that people sometimes think that there is more to a person's departure from ministry than the reasons given. I asked you not to indulge in theses kinds of ruminations. It is as I have told you, and there is no relational conflict, no difference of opinion or hard feelings involved in my decision to resign. I have nothing but good things to say about everyone I have worked with in these last three years, and I will miss everyone of you. Take care and God bless. Latrice (and Alan)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Independencia GPS maps

I've always had a hard time finding our Independencia clinic on a map. Thanks to my GPS unit, that will no longer be a problem. We now have a map on the lower right side of the Peacetrip blog page. FYI, the GPS coordinates for the clinic are:
latitude 31.61289155
longiture -115.88957322

For those with Google Earth installed, ( free download ) you can view our trip as if you were on a helicopter, plane, or satellite. Here's the KMZ file; open it AFTER you've installed Google Earth. If you're zoomed in enough, you'll see our trip highlighted as a magenta colored line. Spin your mouse wheel to zoom, drag the mouse around to move around the map. Move the compass to spin and tilt your perspective. You can also search for major cities and landmarks, and it will fly you around the world in 80 seconds. Very, very cool program.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ready! Set! Go!!! to Independencia 1/19

I hope all of you took my advice and subscribed to the blog so that you get this. Everything is set. If any of you have a couple or 2,3,4... of medium suitcases that you could bring with you to the church, that would be great. We might have somethings that will raise less suspicion at the border if they're in suitcases or duffles. If we don't use them, you can leave them locked in your car, and of course, they'll be coming back with us, only empty. Try to get at least a little sleep and we'll see you at 3am. Latrice

Monday, January 14, 2008

Date corrections on latest trip instructions

Obviously, we had some "date issues" in the latest posting about the trip. So there is no confusion (no more than there already is), the trip date in Sat. Jan. 19th (not the 23rd). I hope to see all of you there and ready to serve. Take care. Latrice

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 19th Trip Information

Where to meet:

On the 19th, please be at Ministry Office 2 lot at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, by 3:15AM for loading; the bus will leave promptly at 3:45AM. Use the main Saddleback Parkway entrance and make the first left. The charter bus will be there waiting for you. Your cars will be secure as long as you lock the doors. We will be returning to the lot sometime between 10PM and 12AM barring anything unforeseen.

Personal items: The following items are suggested:

  • Small backpack – for personal items: camera, sunscreen, chapstick, travel pillow
  • Layer your clothing – Temps can vary from 40 to 90 degrees in the same day. Light jacket and comfortable tennis shoes recommended…it gets dirty out there.
  • photo ID is required to cross back over into the States. Passports will be required for future trips to ANY other country, even Canada and Mexico, beginning Jan 23rd, 2008.


  • Breakfast – snacks, pastries and drinks will be provided on the bus ride
  • Lunch – chicken stew, beans, rice and tortillas are served to us by the local townsfolk. Bring your own lunch (use a personal sized ice chest) if you have special dietary needs.
  • Dinner – Bring a few dollars for McDonalds on the way back at the border. We will also take up an optional collection to tip the bus driver; usually $2-3 per person.
  • Snacks and drinks will be stocked on the bus.


Bring only what you will need for the day, in the original packaging (unpackaged drugs may look suspicious at customs)

  • Car sickness: If you’re susceptible to car sickness, bring Dramamine or Meclizine; part of our journey goes through mountain roads.
  • Stomach: Pepto-bismol (Bismuth Sulfate) tablets and Immodium (Loperamide) tablets
  • Allergies: Some may have reaction to the dust and pollens down there.

Things to do:

All of you need to email me with what area you would like to work in, or if there’s something specific you'd like to do. If you're not sure what you would like to do, and you're willing to work wherever the need is, I'll assign you to an area where we're short handed.

  • Children's team: 6-8 people to assist the kids with arts/crafts and games, face painting, balloons, etc.
  • Medical clinic: 6-8 nurses for locating charts, triaging patients and checking vitals and blood sugars as needed, helping our docs and assisting patients in finding where they need to go next.
  • Dental clinic: dentists, assistants and hygienists, and some volunteers for sterilizing.
  • Interpreters: at least four Spanish interpreters each in dental and medical areas. At least two people who speak Spanish to assist in the pharmacy and one or two interpreters for the optometrist's clinic. Yes, that’s 12 interpreters needed per trip!
  • Home Improvement: There are usually property improvement projects if you happen to be good with your hands.

To quote Pastor Rick, "It's not about you.” It’s all about serving the people of this small town. Please don't go down with expectations as to how you think things will go, but stay open to what the Lord has for you to experience. You won't be disappointed.

I am having great difficulty getting emails to everyone, due to spam blocking software. Adding my email address to your address book would help a lot. Please go to and subscribe to our announcements there.

I look forward to seeing all of you on the 23rd. Invite others, and beat some bushes and turn over some rocks to help us find enough interpreters to do the clinic smoothly and adequately.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

January Make-up Trip to Independencia

Let's try this again! The make up trip for the Dec. 8th trip that was cancelled, is Sat., Jan. 19th. I'm in the process of contacting all of you who signed up in Dec., to see if you're still available to go on this new date. We will be taking the Christmas boxes down with us, so it will be Christmas in January. Please read this, if you read nothing else: the passport requirement to re-enter the U.S. from Mexico by land, has been delayed until January 31, 2008. What this means, is that if you have a drivers' license, or a photo ID card along with a birth certificate, you will be able to go down with us on the 19th, even without a passport. Take this for the gift it is, and apply for a passport today! Get back to me ASAP if you plan on going down on the 19th. Depending on how many empty seats are available, we'll open up a brief registration for people who were not originally signed up to go. My cell is up and functional (714)307-5620, so leave me a message, and if you're leaving a phone number, please don't forget your pre-fix and speak slowly, as it's not that hard to confuse me in my old age. Hope to hear from all of you soon. Please encourage everyone you know to sign onto this blog, so they will also benefit from theses postings regarding the Mexico trips. God bless and happy New Year! Latrice