Saturday, August 11, 2007

September 22nd Trip Information

Well, it's that time again, time to rev up and ready ourselves for our next clinic trip. This should have been out to you three weeks ago, but like always, I'm playing catch up. I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible, but I have a lot to cover. If something doesn't seem clear to you, e-mail me and I'll attempt to clarify it for you. The date will be here before we know it, so please make a start at putting things together for the trip in the way of food for the bank, saving bags, etc. Here are the details:

1. Please start saving plastic or paper grocery sacks to use in the pharmacy for filling medication orders and in the food bank to sack up food items.

2. Bring your food, diapers (adult and kids), baby formula, nutritional drinks (ie Boost, Ensure, and store brands are usually cheaper and are just as good). Pls don't clean out your cupboards of such delicacies as pickled artichoke hearts, etc. We're talking foods that our Mexican friends are familiar with, like beans, rice, canned fruits and veg., powdered or canned milk, juice… you get the idea. Big Costco amounts are ok as we can divide it up into smaller quantities, if necessary.

3. School starts in Sept., so this is a good time to take school supplies for the kids. You could bring items in bulk, but if you're willing, set up kits for individual kids. This will save time down there.

4. We will need gallon size ZipLock bags for the food bank.

5. WE NEED SUITCASES AND/OR LARGE HEAVY DUFFLE BAGS. On the June trip, for the first time in awhile, we had some difficulties getting across the border into Mexico with the equipment we had brought. Medical, dental equipment and tools, stimulates a lot more red tape than a bus belly full of suitcases. We came close to having to leave some very expensive donated dental equipment at the border or send someone back into the States with it. These suitcases don't have to be in perfect condition, so check your own garage or attic, ask your extended family and friends for donations, and pay attention when driving by yard sales. NOW THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT! WE DO NOT HAVE ANY AVAILABLE STORAGE OF OUR OWN ANY WHERE, SO THESE SUITCASES WILL NEED TO RESIDE AT YOUR HOUSE OR BUSINESS AND BE BROUGHT TO THE CHURCH ON THE MORNINGS WE LEAVE TO BE FILLED. AFTER THE TRIP, THEY WILL NEED TO GO HOME WITH YOU. WE CAN USE ANY SIZE, BUT ESPECIALLY MED, LARGE AND EXTRA LARGE (ie foot lockers, trunks).

6. There is going to be a work trip down on Aug. 18th. We will be assessing what projects will be done either on the 18th or on Sept 22nd, and we'll also be determining what supplies will need to come down with us to complete the projects on the next trip. If this is your "thing", contact Hugh Robinson by email and let him know your specialty. Hand tools will be very useful, things (like hand power saws, drills, screw drivers). We ask that YOU LABEL THEM WELL, AND BRING THEM IN SUITCASES OR DUFFLE BAGS to avoid the issues discussed in #5 above. I'll include Hugh's email at the bottom of these instructions. Some projects in the planning stages are water system improvements, running power to the shed, building a pony wall on the patio, plumbing issues in the bathrooms in the house, etc.

The following are some house keeping issues and registration details.

1. DRESS CODE: Please remember who you represent while you're down there and dress appropriately and sensibly. Dress in layers, so that you can peel off or apply more layers as needed, while working and on the bus. NO OPEN TOED SHOES, SPAGHETTI STRAPS, BELLY SHIRTS OR LOW CUT TOPS. IF YOU WEAR SLEEVELESS SHIRTS, BE SURE THEY COVER EVERYTHING THAT SHOULD BE COVERED.
Remember, it's a service trip, and we don't want to offend anybody, so keep it modest.

2. MOTION SICKNESS: If you know that you have a tendency to get nauseous while in a vehicle, please pre-treat yourself with some type of medication. If for some reason, you're un-willing or unable to take medication, be sure you look out the front windshield of the bus, whenever possible, don't sleep or read (unless it's a medicated sleep), and keep the vent above your head open so that it doesn't get to hot or stuffy. Also, be sure you don't sit anywhere near Alan, as he is one of those sympathetic vomit victims and will lose his stomach contents if he even hears someone throw up. If there's a chance you may toss your cookies, ask me for a "just in case the unimaginable happens barf bag". We will have them on all trips from now on. In this case, better safe than sorry speaks volumes. SERIOUSLY, PLEASE DON'T LET THIS KEEP YOU FROM PARTICIPATING. We'll deal with it.

3. SECURING YOUR VALUABLES: The bedroom on the right at the end of the hall is where everyone should be leaving their things. Our people will be back in that area the whole day and they'll keep tabs on your stuff. There will be a table back there for that purpose. Please, don't bring anything of value that you don't really need, because no matter how careful we are, "stuff" can happen. Leave your "bling!bling!" at home.

4. RESTROOMS: There are three bathrooms in the house. There is a bathroom in the main portion of the house where the medical patients are seen, a second and a third in the two back bedrooms. These may need to be closed for a short period to make minor repairs, if it doesn't get finished on the work weekend, but other than that, they are there for our use only. Please do not direct patients to these facilities. ALSO, PLEASE, PLEASE REMEMBER TO THROW TOILET PAPER IN THE TRASH RATHER THAN FLUSHING IT. This seems to go against the grain, but if you flush it, it will wreck the plumbing systems down there, not only on our campus, but anywhere in Mexico.

5. MEALS/FOOD: Last trip, we tried something new, and it didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. This is plan "B" and we hope it will work out better. Pastor Avelino will have some people from his church cook for us again like they did in June. That meal will be served as our midday meal. You are responsible for getting your break to eat once the meal is ready. For the evening meal, we will all need to bring a sack meal. This meal will be eaten on the bus on our way back. We will not be doing AM/PM or any food stops (including McDONALD'S at the U.S. border). Before the whining begins, let me explain the pro's of doing it this way. We will be able to work longer and still be able to get back home by our usual time of 10pm-12am. Every single trip, there are people that we do not have time to see. It's better to sacrifice a hot meal in the evening, and see more patients, than it is to eat a hot meal some where on the way home. By the end of the day, most people are exhausted and just really want to get home and fall into bed. This way, we'll eat in route so no time is lost. There will be drinks and snacks for both the morning and evening drive, but these will be light snacks at best, and will in no way qualify as a meal. Come prepared.

6. OFF-SITE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE: The Sept trip we will be doing a satellite clinic out on the PaiPai (spelling??) Indian Reservation. This clinic is our door into their lives and culture. It will allow us to treat the physical illnesses of their body, but more importantly the illnesses of their hearts, through the sharing of Christ's. They are an unreached people group and this is a wonderful and exciting opportunity for us to become more intimately involved with them. We have made a commitment to the Pastor on the reservation to bring our med/dental people to them on their home turf. Start praying now that the Lord will open many doors through this first clinic.

7. PASSPORTS: Passports will be required for passage across the U.S. border starting JAN. 1, 2008. Since this is going to affect thousands of people, you need to get the process underway ASAP. In the past, once your paperwork was submitted to the government, it took anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks to receive your passport, provided that no snags occurred. The influx of people requesting passports has already jumped tremendously, and instead of weeks, it can take months. WE BEG THAT IF YOU DO NOT CURRENTLY HAVE A PASSPORT, PLEASE MAKE THIS A PRIORITY. WE DON'T WANT TO DO WITHOUT KEY PEOPLE (OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER) WHEN WE START OUR 2008 CLINIC SCHEDULE BECAUSE YOU PROCRASTINATED ON THIS. Everything you need, including forms and instructions, can be found on the internet.

8. REGISTRATION PROCESS: Registration will be done as it has been in the past. For your seat to be reserved, I must have the following in my possession by the deadline of Sept. 8th :
(A) Personal Information Form,(B) Medical Release/Authorization Form (C) Liability Release Form (D) Check made out to SVCC for $70. Once I have these items, then and only then is your bus seat reserved. If you have been down to Independency from Dec. 2006 thru the June trip 2007, I probably have these forms already, and I just need your check. Anyone who hasn't gone down with us during this time frame, will need to contact me by email so that I can mail or fax you the forms. WHEN YOU EMAIL ME, BE SURE TO SPELL OUT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. IT ISN'T HELPFUL TO GET AN E-MAIL SENT BY "POOKIE'S PRINCE". I NEED YOUR FULL NAME AND CONTACT INFO. Seats are limited, so if you don't want to be disappointed, please contact me ASAP.

Hugh Robinson's e-mail address is hughcr(at) I look forward to hearing from many of you very soon. Tell your friends, and remember, you don't have to be a medical or dental professional.

In Christ,