Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Successful September Trip

We've just returned from another wonderful trip to Independencia. For the first time, I got to ride along to the Pei Pei indian reservation.

Mission tripThe Pei Pei are an "unreached people group" just 10 minutes drive away from our clinic. Numerous churches and organizations have come offering to help before, only to leave. We can understand their tentativeness and reluctance under these circumstances. A few of us packed up several boxes of medicines and set up a makeshift medical clinic at the reservation's church. There's a pastor residing on the reservation who is open to our efforts. Local support is crucial.

We had well-needed help from electricians Ron Link of Saddleback Church and John Goodwin of the Bridge in Corona. I'd like to thank them for their tremendous service in rebuilding the electrical system of the house. They spent 3 days down there working in the mud. Thanks to them, we will have stable, reliable power delivery for our medical and dental clinics.

Dr Carter and Dr EliOn the dental front, we persevered despite the absence of many key volunteers. We were especially lacking for oral surgeons and Spanish speaking interpreters. We were able to examine around 30 people and contribute approximately $7,500 in free dentistry. Thanks go to Dr. James Kahal of Laguna Hills, and our two fine orthodontists, Dr. Chris Carter of Rancho Santa Margarita, and Dr. John Eli, soon to be in Lake Forest.

gotchaDr. Kahal took his wife and three daughters, proving that this is truly a trip for the whole family. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds for a our trip. Check out our cool slideshow for more photos of our trip.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Last Minute details for the 9/22 Mexico trip

1. Meet at Lower Lot, 3 AM sharp. We will meet at the lower parking lot, which is the 1st lot to the left off of Saddleback Pkwy. There will be a sign at the entrance to the lot. Pls be there at 3AM SHARP!

2. BYO Food. Members of the Avelino's church will be preparing lunch. If you do not want to eat that food, you will need to bring a sack lunch. EVERYONE will need to bring a sack dinner, as we will not be stopping on the way home (this is per our instructions from the church.) There will be snacks provided on the bus.

3. Dress in layers. You may bring a blanket and/or a pillow as we have a small group going and will have more room than usual to spread out.

4. Bring Empty Suitcases. If you have access to an empty suitcase, pls bring it so that any equipment going can be packed in the cases. This will facilitate our border crossing and help to decrease interest with the Mexican border staff. You'll get the suitcase back when we get home.

5. Donate Food You Would Eat Yourself. You may bring food items for the food bank, including baby food, diapers, nutritional drinks, formula, etc. Pls don't bring your unwanted, unfamiliar or expired food items. (no cupboard cleaning) Also, we need plastic grocery sacks and large Zip-Lock type bags. Do not bring used clothing, toys, medicines unless you have gotten the ok from me or some other leadership team member.

6. Label all personal items clearly, so that hopefully you get home with what you took with you. Things happen, so pls don't bring down valuable items, and limit how much cash you bring.

7. Watch your Kids. If you bring down minors, you are fully responsible to watch those kids. Don't assume that because you see a lot of adults around, that they are watching out for your kids.

8. Dress modestly. Pls do not wear spaghetti straps, tank tops, shorts that end more than a hand's breadth above the top of the knee. Pls no cleavage, ladies, and gentlemen, no posterior cleavage, either.

9. Go with an open heart and an open mind. Don't go down with preconceived ideas of how things should go or what should be accomplished. This is Christ's ministry, not ours. He defines "ministry" and "success." He blesses us with an opportunity to serve and love His sheep of another pasture. A smile or a hug, a small act of kindness may well be what He has you there for.

Thank you all and see you there,

Latrice Sarver

Sunday, September 9, 2007

New address:

We now have a new address, Tell a friend.